Movement is classified in two ways: Linear or Randon
Linear Movement is when the sonte has color patterns moving along a horizontal or vertical plane. The movement spans throughout the stone. If you select a slab with linear movement, you'll need to consider that the pronounced look when you are working on design details. Like clothing, should the stripes go down or across? Hiring a quality fabricator is very important if you select granite with a look. Your Bedrock fabricator will carefully plan and lay out your slab to insure precise seam matching and material flow. If you are looking to make a REAL STATEMENT, Linear slabs are the way to go.
Random Movement is by far the most popular sought after characteristic in stone. Admired for its random swirls and multiple colors, random movement is a fun, creative way to give any kitchen or bath personality. The slabs can go from subtle to wild, so they work well in among any design style.
Random or Linear? Either way, your stone choice will be a beautiful one.